Creative and Production Services*
- Where in the Harold B. Lee Library do I go to check out a camera?
- Where can I download Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.?
- Where is the 3D printer in the Library? Who should I talk to about using it? How much does it cost?
- Does the Library have projectors for checkout?
- I want to scan & print a large map and some other large items. Where do I do this?
- How do I sign up for Endnote?
- Do Library computers have Photoshop or other Adobe programs like InDesign or Illustrator?
- Does the library have a sound booth for students to use?
- Does the Library have any Mac computers?
- How do I schedule a viewing room for a group of students to watch a video or DVD?
- I heard the library has an HD viewing room with surround sound. How big is it and how do I reserve it?
- Do any of the Library computers have Creative Cloud?