- Available for use with BYU Net ID login
- To create a guest account for use on Library lab computers, take photo ID to any help desk
- Guest accounts expire after two weeks but can be extended as needed
- We also have guest computers that don't require any login
- See the list of software available on these computers
Current Availability
31 available of 36
2 available of 4
Software Training
4 available of 7
23 available of 32
Learning Commons
28 available of 42
Family History
10 available of 20
Reading Room
13 available of 23
22 available of 36
Social Science
16 available of 17
Installed Software
The following software is installed on all public computers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Edge
- Family Search Indexing
- Autodesk Fusion 360
- Office Suite
- Adobe Suite
- Amos
- RootsMagic 7
- Matlab
- 7 zip
- Arc GIS
- IBM SPSS Statistics
- Notepad++
- Silverlight
- Visual Studios
- Wolfram Mathematica