Learning Commons Services

  1. Computers with Large Monitors

    Study rooms with wall-size monitors

  2. Copy Machines

    B&W and color photocopiers with scanning capabilities

  3. Group Study Rooms

    Study with friends, classmates, and others in private rooms with whiteboards, monitors, and more

  4. Guest Computers

    Computers available for use of the public

  5. Help Desks

  6. Library Tutorials

    Online instructional tools for BYU students and patrons visiting the Library website

  7. Mobile Device Chargers

  8. Open Group Study Tables

    Use these “no shh” areas to collaborate with classmates in an open environment

  9. Public Computers

    Find out computer lab locations and current availability in the library

  10. Scanners

  11. Snack Zone

    Zone on level 3 where eating is permitted

  12. The Hub

    A space for freshmen to meet, study and get help