LocationHBLL 4725
Day 1Mon, Oct 143:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
Day 2Mon, Oct 213:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
Day 3Mon, Oct 283:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.

Not only is Fusion free for students to download, it is incredibly easy to learn, has cloud-based storage and sharing, and integrates dimension-based modeling with free-form modeling. It is great to learn as a beginner or at any other skill level. The course consists of just three 50 minute classes over a period of three weeks (one class a week). Each class builds upon the lessons learned from the previous class.

DAY 1: Introduce the Fusion 360 user interface, navigating through its environment and using its tools. Introduce basic dimension-based sketching and extruding.

DAY 2: Building upon the principles learned on Day 1, students will learn more in-depth dimension-based modeling such as creating revolves, sweeps, lofts, etc.

DAY 3: Modeling with 3D printing in mind, so that your parts fit, are strong, and maximize surface detail.

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