Interlibrary Loan

  • Description: Borrow almost anything from other libraries for free (books, articles, DVDs, CDs, scores, maps, microfilm, periodicals, newspapers, etc.)
  • Turnaround time: Articles/Scans are typically available in 1-3 business days. Physical items are generally ready in 3-7 business days (some items with limited availability may take longer).
  • Cost: Free to all students, faculty, staff, and distance/independent study students.
  • Request Delivery:
  • Physical items: When received, items can be picked up at the General Help Desk or BYU faculty and staff an have physical items delivered to their department offices if delivery is set in your account preferences.
  • Scans/Article requests: All article or scan requests are made available online through your library account.
  • Notification: You should receive an email notifying you when your request is ready for use, but requests can also be monitored via your online library account. (

Submit an ILL request or check request status

    Article Delivery

  • Description: Get PDF scans of articles and book chapters from books, microfilm, microfiche, periodicals, and items located in the BYU library collections, Special Collections, and other libraries.
  • Delivery: All scans are made available online through your library account. You should receive an email notifying you when the scan is ready for use, but requests can also be monitored via your online library account.
  • Cost: Free to all students, faculty, staff, and independent study students.
  • Fulfillment: We’ll look at our own collections to see if we can get you a copy from our own collection, but if the library does not own the item, we will automatically get it from another library via ILL.
  • Turnaround time: 24-hour business hours or less on most items (some items with limited availability may take longer).
  • Availability: PDFs are available for download for 30 days or until you remove the item via your library account.
  • Submit a scan/article request or check request status