Browse All FAQs
What is the difference between copyright infringement and plagiarism?
What is the difference between peer-reviewed (scholarly) articles and everything else?
What is Bloomberg and how can I get the Bloomberg certification?
Why should I use a library database instead of the internet?
What is an M-Disc? Why would I want to use one? What could I use it for?
How do I connect to the BYU Secure wireless network?
How do I access The Economist online?
Is clip art from Microsoft Word copyrighted?
What is a primary source research article?
How do I set up my computer to print on the campus-wide printing system?
How do I access IBIS World Reports?
What are NAICS or ISIC codes?
What is the difference between science textbook information and science journal information?
What are the consequences and penalties for copyright infringement?
Where should I go to scan in the Library?
Is there a Research and Writing Center for ESL students in the Library? What are the hours?
How can I find companies in a certain industry or location?
Where in the Harold B. Lee Library do I go to check out a camera?
How much does it cost to print?
Where do i find historical data for recent Leveraged buyout transactions?