Are there vinyl LP records that can be checked out? What are the rules for checking them out from the library?
Yes, patrons may check out vinyl LP records. They are located on Level 4 North and must be retrieved by a Help Desk employee there. The rules for checking out Vinyl LP records are the same as DVDs, Blu-Rays, etc. and are as follows:
- Undergraduates, Graduate, and Community Patrons: 1 week checkout with 1 online renewal
- BYU Employees & Faculty: 2 week checkout with 2 online renewals
Need help searching for vinyl records? For more information and suggestions for searching and browsing the collection, please visit the Vinyl LP Records Guide:
Vinyl LP record players are also available on Level 4. For more information see
Updated 2024-05-15 14:42:43 • LibAnswers page