Do periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.) check out?

Periodicals such as print journals, magazines and newspapers (1990 - current) housed in the Periodicals Room on Level 2 do not check out of the library.

You are welcome to scan or photocopy articles. There are both scanners and photo copiers in the Periodicals Room.

All pre-1990 periodical journals & magazines are now located in on-site compact shelving called AUX STOR or auxiliary storage (this is not a public access area). 

Ask for pre-1990 AUX STOR journals at the Periodicals Desk on Level 2 or the Circulation Desk on Level 3.

Order copies of specific articles from AUX STOR journals using the Request an Item form:

Note: Circulating serials & annuals shelved throughout the library do circulate.

For more information, see:


Updated 2024-03-28 12:47:24 • LibAnswers page