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54 results starting with M

  1. Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963

  2. Magill on Literature Plus (EBSCO)

    Magill On Literature Plus combines the databases Magill On Literature and Magill On Authors, and so includes all the literary works, reviewed critical analyses and brief plot summaries that are included in Magill On Literature, as well as all the biographies and author essays included in Magill On Authors, such as all of “Masterplots and Masterplots II”, “Cyclopedia of World Authors”, “Cyclopedia of Literary Characters”, and “Magill’s Literary Annual”.

  3. Making of America

    The Making of America (MOA) represents a major collaborative endeavor to preserve and make accessible through digital technology a significant body of primary sources related to development of the U.S. infrastructure… The initial phase of the project began in 1995 as a collaboration between the University of Michigan and Cornell University to develop a “thematically-related digital library documenting American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction.” Over 5,000 volumes with imprints between 1850 - 1877 will be selected, scanned, and made available to the academic communities at each institution.”

  4. Making of Modern Law (Gale)

    The Making of Modern Law is the digital version of Primary Source Microfilm’s Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises and Twentieth Century Legal Treatises, this archive is the most comprehensive full-text collection of Anglo-American legal treatises anywhere. It includes more than 21,000 works from casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, speeches, and more organized into 99 subject areas. With the power of full-text searching, this resource brings nearly 10 million pages of legal history from America and Britain to researchers in a matter of minutes.

  5. The Making of the Modern World (Gale)

    Alternate title: Making of the Modern World (Gale). “The Making of the Modern World: Goldsmiths’-Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850” provides digital facsimile images on every page of 61,000 works of literature on economic and business published from 1450 through 1850. Full-text searching on more than 12 million pages provides researchers unparalleled access to this vast collection of material on commerce, finance, social conditions, politics, trade and transport.

  6. Mango Languages

    Mango Languages PhD-created and linguist-approved software teaches real conversations in over 70 languages.

  7. Manuscript Women's Letters and Diaries (ASP)

    Manuscript Women’s Letters and Diaries from the American Antiquarian Society brings together 100,000 pages of the personal writings of women of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, displayed as high-quality images of the original manuscripts, Semantically Indexed and online for the first time. The collection is drawn entirely from the extensive holdings of the American Antiquarian Society. It currently contains over 69,000 pages.

  8. Map as History

    The largest on-line collection of animated historical maps

  9. Mapping the World (Gale)

    The Mapping the World: Maps and Travel Literature archive includes a myriad of maps representing the long nineteenth century. Selections have been culled from the vast map repositories of the British Library and the National Archives at Kew. In addition to these large map collections, maps representing the Americas, and in particular America’s westward expansion, have been provided by the American Antiquarian Society. Maps depicting Canada and the polar regions have been generously provided by the University of Alberta. Part of NCCO.

  10. MarketLine

    From Aerospace and Automotive to Media, Mining and Textiles, MarketLine covers every company in every major industry in every major marketplace, worldwide.

  11. Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965

  12. MarketResearch.com Academic

    Our comprehensive research report database puts valuable business information right into students’ hands. You’ll get market intelligence on consumer demographics, market size and growth trends, industry forces and structure, product trends, competitive environment analysis, and company profiles.

  13. MAS Complete (EBSCO)

    Provides full text for more than 540 popular magazines, 440 full text reference books, 85,670 biographies, 105,786 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of over 502,000 photos, maps

  14. Mass Observation Online

  15. Mass Observation Project

  16. MasterFILE Complete (EBSCO)

    Provides full text for more than 2,000 general reference publications with full text information dating as far back as 1922. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest, MasterFILE Complete also contains full text for more than 1,000 reference books and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 502,000 photos, maps

  17. MathSciNet

    Indexes more than 3,000 journals and 10,000 books, conference proceedings, theses, and technical reports related to mathematics, statistics, computer science, econometrics, and engineering. Updated twice a year.

  18. MCG CareWeb

    Care guidelines from MCG provide fast access to evidence-based best practices and care-planning tools across the entire care journey, supporting clinical decision-making and documentation as well as enabling efficient transitions between care settings. Data analysis provides insight into critical benchmarks such as length of stay, re-admissions, and skilled nursing facility/inpatient rehabilitation admission rates.

  19. Means Illustrated Construction Dictionary

    This concise student edition of the most widely used dictionary for construction and design professionals offers clear explanations of essential construction-related terms and concepts. Illustrated throughout with explanatory drawings and photographs, it is an indispensable reference for beginning and advanced students in construction, architecture, design, facility management, real estate, and other related fields. Features include: Easy-to-understand definitions of nearly 10,000 terms, phrases, and abbreviations from every area of construction. More than 1,400 drawings and photographs that help clarify concepts. Up-to-date coverage of new industry trends, including building automation, energy conservation, green building, historic preservation, and more. An extensive reference section with plan symbols, conversions and equivalents, and more.

  20. Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Niermeyer (Brill)

  21. Medical Services and Warfare

  22. Medic Latina (EBSCO)

    Spanish language collection of medical research and investigative journals published by renowned Latin American medical publishers. This unique database provides access to full text for nearly 125 periodicals, including over 50 peer-reviewed medical journals.

  23. Medieval Family Life

    This resource contains full colour images of the original medieval manuscripts that comprise the Paston, Cely, Plumpton, Stonor and Armburgh Papers along with full text searchable transcripts from the printed editions, where available. The original images and the transcriptions can be viewed side by side. Along with the letter collections themselves there are many additional features useful for teaching and research. These include: A chronology, a visual sources gallery, an interactive map, a glossary, family trees and links to other scholarly free to access digital resources useful for researching the medieval period. From Adam Matthew Digital.

  24. Medieval Travel Writing

    This collection from Adam Matthew Digital presents manuscripts of some of the most important works of European travel writing from the later medieval period. The chief focus is on journeys to central Asia and the Far East, including accounts of travel to Mongolia, Persia, India, China and South-East Asia. The collection also includes a number of important accounts of travels to or through the Holy Land. It features a number of medieval maps such as the famous Beatus and Psalter maps, individual manuscript illuminations, and some modern translations of key travel texts.


    Access Medline on the Web of Science interface


    MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals.


    Alternate title: PubMed. MEDLINE is the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) premier bibliographic database that contains more than 25 million references to journal articles in life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine. MEDLINE includes literature published from 1966 to present, and selected coverage of literature prior to that period. Currently, citations from more than 5,200 worldwide journals in about 40 languages are added to Pub Med 7 days a week.

  28. Meiji Japan

  29. Mendeley (Elsevier)

    Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network. Make your own fully-searchable library in seconds, cite as you write, and read and annotate your PDFs on any device.

  30. Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print (EBSCO)

    Mental Measurements Yearbook, produced by the Buros Institute at the University of Nebraska, provides users with a comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing instruments. Designed for an audience ranging from novice test consumers to experienced professionals, the MMY series contains information essential for a complete evaluation of test products within such diverse areas as psychology, education, business, and leadership. First published by Oscar K. Buros, the MMY series allows users to make knowledgeable judgments and informed selection decisions about the increasingly complex world of testing. MMY provides coverage from Volume 9 to the present. Also produced by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements at the University of Nebraska, Tests in Print (TIP) serves as a comprehensive bibliography to all known commercially available tests that are currently in print in the English language. TIP provides vital information to users including test purpose, test publisher, in-print status, price, test acronym, intended test population, administration times, publication date(s), and test author(s).

  31. Merck index

    The Merck Index is an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals that contains more than 10,000 monographs. Each monograph in this authoritative reference source is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds.

  32. Mergent Archives

    Mergent Archives is an online database featuring a vast, indexed collection of more than a centurys worth of global corporate and industry related documents. This collection contains hundreds of thousands of reports covering over 100 countries and industries.

  33. Mergent Intellect

    Mergent Intellect is a highly flexible web-based application that features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables companies to generate insightful business intelligence. Coupling Mergent’s expertise in developing products for the reference marketplace with DandB’s private company database, Mergent Intellect provides access to private and public US and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more.

  34. Mergent Key Business Ratios (KBR)

    Key Business Ratios on the Web (KBR) provides immediate online access to competitive benchmarking data. This powerful tool lets researchers examine industry benchmarks compiled from D&B’s database of public and private companies, featuring 14 key business ratios (users choose a one-year or three-year set of ratios) for public and private companies in 800 lines of business.

  35. Mergent Online

    Mergent offers a wealth of detail on US and International public companies including business description, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors, long-term debt and capital stock. Financial statements are presented in "as-reported" form and in native currencies.

  36. Met Opera on Demand

    Streaming video access to more than 600 full length performances of the Metropolitan Opera.

  37. Mexican and Indian Wars on Fold3

    Includes Pension files of the Mormon Battalion

  38. Micromedex Healthcare Series

    Alternate title: Thomson Healthcare Academic Program. Micromedex provides a comprehensive knowledge base that will prepare you for success in clinical practice. This clinical knowledge solution offers a reliable, one-stop, easy-to-use resource for pinpointing clinical answers. Access to the following: AfterCare Instructions, AltCareDex, AltMedDex, AltMedDex Points, AltMedDex Protocols, AltMed-REAX for the Patient, CareNotes, ClinicalPoints, Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer, DISEASEDEX Emergency Medicine, DISEASEDEX General Medicine, DRUGDEX, DrugPoints, DRUG-REAX, Herbal Medicines, A Guide for HealthCare, IDENTIDEX, Index Nominum, IV INDEX, Lab Advisor, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), P&T QUIK Reports, PDR, POISINDEX, REPRORISK, TOMES, ToxPoints.

  39. Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (EBSCO)

    Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies, produced by NISC, is a systematic and non-evaluative bibliographic index of research, policy and scholarly discourse on the countries and peoples of the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa. This database contains more than 332,790 records and coverage spans from 1900 and earlier to present. Over 12,000 records of recently published and grey literature are added annually. Subject coverage includes: political affairs & law, international relations, economic affairs - business & industry, cultural heritage, arts & humanities, society & social welfare, ethnic diversity & anthropology, significant religious events & movements and recent history (1900 - present) & archaeology. MECAS includes the following: Middle East Bibliography (1946 - 2001), Middle East Book Bibliographies, Theses & Dissertations, MECAS Citations Database and School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) Library Catalogue (1900 - present).

  40. Middle Search Plus (EBSCO)

    Provides full text for over 100 magazines covering general topics appropriate for middle and jr. high school students.

  41. Migration to New Worlds

    From the century of immigration, through to the modern era, Migration to New Worlds charts the emigration experience of millions across 200 years of turbulent history. Explore the rise and fall of the New Zealand Company, discover British, European and Asian migration and investigate unique primary source personal accounts, shipping logs, printed literature and organisational papers supplemented by carefully compiled teaching and research aids. An Adam Matthew database

  42. Military & Government Collection (EBSCO)

    Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military, this database offers a thorough collection of military titles, trade publications and newsweeklies. Military Library FullTEXT provides cover-to-cover full text for nearly 350 periodicals. The database also includes full text for 245 pamphlets and offers indexing and abstracts for over 380 magazines.

  43. Mintel

    Reports on consumer markets and trends. Segmentation, branding, positioning, and psychographics. Rich insight into consumer behavior and lifestyles. Coverage is deepest for the U.S.

  44. MLA Directory of Periodicals (EBSCO)

    1970+ Lists over 3700 periodicals in the areas of literature, language, linguistics and folklore, supplying addresses, publication information and guidelines for submission. Updated annually.

  45. MLA Handbook Plus

    MLA Handbook Plus includes the full text of the ninth edition of the handbook, the second edition of the MLA Guide to Digital Literacy, and the MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature, as well as a video course that teaches the principles of MLA documentation style through a series of short videos.

  46. MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)

    MLA International Bibliography offers a detailed bibliography of journal articles, books, book chapters and dissertations about literature, language, linguistics and folklore. Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), the electronic version of the bibliography dates back to the 1920s and contains over 1.8 million citations from more than 4,400 journals & series, and 1,000 book publishers.

  47. Monumenta Germaniae Historica

    MGH is a corpus of historical works, charters, legal texts, letters, political texts, and literature from the European Middle Ages.

  48. Mormon Literature & Creative Arts

    Mormon Literature & Creative Arts is a scholarly resource to literary writings and associated artistic works by and about Mormons. It is intended to serve students, scholars, library patrons and the general public by providing current and historical information about Mormon authors, playwrights, critics, filmmakers, and other creative personnel involved in the literary, cinematic, or theatrical arts. Within these artistic fields the database provides bibliographic data for published works by or about Mormons in literary genres such as fiction, the short story, poetry, and drama going back to the nineteenth-century, as well as in film, and such genres such as sermons, hymns, literary biographies, and literary writings found in Mormon periodicals.

  49. Morningstar Investment Research Center

    Morningstar provides information, data and analysis of stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, closed-end funds, and variable annuity/life subaccounts.

  50. Mountain People: Life and Culture in Appalachia (Gale)

    Part of Archives Unbound, this collection consists of the diaries, journals, and narratives of explorers, emigrants, military men, Native Americans, and travelers. In addition, there are accounts on the development of farming and mining communities, family histories, and folklore. These accounts provide a view of the of the vast region between Lexington, Kentucky and Winchester, Virginia, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Birmingham, Alabama, and provides information on the social, political, economic, scientific, religious and agricultural characteristics of the region.

  51. Music Index (EBSCO)

    1976 to present: Indexes approximately 800 international music periodicals covering historic, ethnographic, and musicological data. Includes more than one million citations, with many reviews. Updated quarterly.

  52. Music Periodicals (ProQuest)

    Indexes music periodicals and feature music articles and obituaries. Formerly International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP)

  53. My China Roots

    Contains over 14 million digitized pages of records for finding information on Chinese ancestors. It includes family tree books (jiapu), immigration records, obituaries, tombstones, overseas Chinese directories, surname information, and more.

  54. MyHeritage Library Edition

    Only available on-campus. The My Heritage database includes birth, death and marriage records from 48 countries, the complete U.S. and U.K. censuses, immigration, military and tombstone records and more than 3 billion family tree profiles.