William A. Wilson Folklore Archive
Committed to collecting and preserving folklore, the William A. Wilson Digital Folklore Archives focuses on families, religious life of Latter-day Saints and other religious movements, university students, and regional life in the Intermountain West. Home of the largest collection of Mormon folklore, the digital archive also houses significant collections of legends, customs, speech, beliefs, songs, material culture, tales and jokes, games, riddles, and personal narratives.
- Managed by Special Collections
- Archives Specialist Paulee Shakespear
- Guide to Physical Archive Link
Folklore Forms
Students taking folklore classes at Brigham Young University submit their work to the Wilson Folklore Archives. Forms to make the process of submission easier are included below. They include a release form for the interviewees, a sample format for arranging the information gleaned from an interview, and an outline for students putting together a focused field project—or semester project—for their folklore class.
In addition to these forms, samples of an interview in the correct format and a completed focused field projects are also included. These forms are primarily for students, but may be of interest for others beginning a folklore archive.
- A Guide: Submitting Folklore Items
- A Guide: Submitting Folklore Projects
- Consent to be a Research Subject
- Outline for Focused Field Project
- Project Ideas
- Template for Individual Collection Items
- Template for Digital Folklore Items
- Blythe Item Submission
- Eliason Item Submission
- Eliason Final Project Submission